Of race and rubbers....
We went to town the other night...
zipped home from work, put the long undies on, the insulated sox, the dog sledding-arctic mittens and big fat fluffy parka and motored down to the train station.....
Chuck met me there.....
on the train we hopped (when it stopped and opened the doors-not hobo style-too hard to jump up in the big fluffy parka)
up to the upper deck we clambered
seats we did take
and what to my wondering eyes did appear?
a sight I'd not seen in many a year....
a man wearing rubbers!!
Rubber galoshes, that is!

It was so cute and I wanted to say something to him so bad.... but I figured if he was astute enough to wear overshoes, he was probably one of those expensive, hand-cut eye-talian suit guys that wouldn't share my excitement as he protected his $900 leather eye-talian shoes.
But why the trip down town? We (read, I) decided on day last week that I wanted to go see a play and I dragged Chuck with me. He wasn't too thrilled but in the end said he was glad he had come and the play was good. I thought it was great... we saw the national tour of Twelve Angry Men with Richard Thomas and George Wendt. I highly recommend it. It amazes me every time I go to theater how diverse the audience is... age, gender, race, color, creed, orientation, you name it, it was represented. I wondered tho, during the times when the play was at it's racial bigotry/hatred worst, what the nice black couple sitting across from us thought. He of the beverskin oversized-brim fedora and fur coat to match. (Natty dresser, tho I don't cotton to real fur so much these days - BTW, I will be un-contributing to the global impact of China next weekend when I return the cashmire sweaters I purchased for Kay and I. They are too itchy to wear. However, Kay did mention that now she wondered if expensive -vs $15- cashmire would be less itchy and should we investigate that?) I forgot to look and see if they were clapping at the end.

Oh, Richard Thomas is coming to GR with the play. I might have to go and see it.
Love, Sis
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