the RATS of moose

The Random Access ThoughtS of a mid-west, approaching-middle-age, nurse starting the next phase of life.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My contribution to the decline of the world

I contributed to global warming today. As I drove around town in my gas-guzzling SUV I felt ashamed. Sort of... well, not really. It's not my fault.. blame it on Wally World. Blame it on China.

There was an article in the Chicago Tribune on Dec 17 about how cashmere is ruining the world. How our insatiable desire for more and more cheaper stuph is ruining the world. How it is putting other people (even the Scottish) in perilous financial positions. How overproduction of cashmere is polluting the world. Interesting article. Makes you think of connections you wouldn't otherwise put together.

Some days I would like to be greener. A hybrid SUV. Solar panels on the roof of the home I no longer own. A tankless water heater. Less plastic garbage. (Good-bye to my 5,000 bag stockpile of Ziplock bags!) But, I am lazy. I go green if it's convenient. And, frankly, not much about it is convenient.

But the cashmere sweater I bought today was convenient. And on sale. At Wally World. For $15. How could I say no? I've never owned cashmere. I've wanted to try it for some time but was put off by the price. But $15? How could I resist? Even if I don't like it.... $15 is not a lot to pay for the experience of contributing to worldwide destruction.

What a bargain!


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