the RATS of moose

The Random Access ThoughtS of a mid-west, approaching-middle-age, nurse starting the next phase of life.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Do as I say, not as I, um... do

So, I finally took my own advice. Or my own harping....

While I was off on vacation, I painted the vanity, light fixture and medicine cabinet in the upstairs bathroom. (and painted and painted and painted and painted.... forgot to put a coat or 2 of primer on the cheap-ass wood) And while I was busy painting my fingers green, I dumped the contents of all the vanity drawers and med cab into a cardboard box.

Well... I finally got around to emptying the box on Sunday and putting everything away.

Did you know.... I had a bottle of aspirin that expired in 2002? Anti-diarrhea pills that pooped out in 2003? Migraine meds from the 90's? There were several more meds that went into the wastebasket... zinc oxide from 5 years ago, gas-x tabs older than the bubble gum still living in my stomach from grade school, pseudophed that was so old you couldn't even make meth from it. And to think I moved all this crap INTO my house 2 years ago. Am I a packrat or what???

I also took a hard look at what was in the drawers and the hall closet that related to the bathroom.

Gone are the curling irons of 6 different sizes (my hair is shorter than my boyfriends), the headbands, the curling iron wall holder, the blow dryer diffuser, the wart remover (2 different kinds), emery boards of questionable age, assorted hair goo-gaws and some unidentifiable stuff.

All gone.

It's amazing how easy it is to navigate thru the drawers now!!! ;-)

I should really clean more often.


OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did it!!!! Go look!!!!! I upgraded my website!!!
It's SOOOOOO pretty!!! And I'm pretty sure all the links work!!! YIPPEE!!!

I may have to put up a personal site..... heh heh heh

Ta-Ta for now.... go clean your medicine cabinets!


At 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, what's TNS. I know what RN and BSN are. Inquiring minds want to know. LOL

At 11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, forget it. I figured it out. Trauma Nurse Specialist. DUH here!!!


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