CRAFT... CRS.... Whatever...
(with music...) Driving along in my auto-mobile... (etc.)
While I was driving along in my automobile (contributing to the air pollution action day... yep, I even pumped gas), I had this great idea for today's blog. Did I verbalize it? Nope. Did I write it down? Nope. Think I can remember it? Nope. Story of my recent life. Each day that dawn another memory gets flushed out of the brain cells. One of these days I'm going to wake up and wonder what I'm supposed to be doing that day..... oh, wait.... I already do that. LOL
Remember the blurb I did on lightning safety? Just yesterday, about 15 miles from here a 15 year-old and and adult were struck by lightning. The kid died before the paramedics got there. Today on the radio, one of the relatives of the two said, "It was dark on one side and sunshine on the other. We just heard thunder and didn't think anything of it." Remember.....
Welcome to the unscripted vacation. I took this week off (thru the 5th of July). I don't teach in June and we don't have very many meetings so this is always a good time to leave. Last summer I did the same thing. Didn't go anywhere, just stayed home and worked on some projects. This summer I have even less of an agenda. Except for the job interview. YIPPEE!!! I am thinking seriously of getting off my duff and working on my kitchen cabinet in the basement where it is cool. Only 94 outside today and 37% humidity... but you wouldn't know that to walk into the local Menards... It was soooo hot in there I had sweat running down my spine.... YUCK!!! It wasn't that bad outside for heaven's sake!! Of course, outside there is a nice breeze.... ooooohhhhh..... maybe I'll go work in the backyard instead..... at least for a couple of hours...
Then again... there is always the possibility of a nap..... heh heh heh....
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