the RATS of moose

The Random Access ThoughtS of a mid-west, approaching-middle-age, nurse starting the next phase of life.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Multi-tasking to the Max

So... tonight at work I took my entire desk (except for my keyboard and books) and dumped it into a box. It was the only way I knew to start housecleaning. I am doing well so far.... Rules are: 1) I can't rearrange anything in the box. 2) I must deal with it as it comes out. 3) Use the garbage can. So far, so good.

And, I am ripping all my Christmas CDs to my laptop... for some reason I can't get the local radio station to either come in on the radio or stream on the desktop computer. Speaking of which.... BB was wonderful and got me (um.. procurred for me, at no cost) a wireless keyboard and mouse for the desktop. That way I can totally remove the keyboard when I want to spread paperwork out on the desk... ;-) I am a happy girl.


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