the RATS of moose

The Random Access ThoughtS of a mid-west, approaching-middle-age, nurse starting the next phase of life.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Another week gone...

Where, exactly, does the time go? Last time I looked, it was last Sunday. Getting the house ready for market looked like an impossible task, getting to work at a reasonable time (neither too early as is my habit, or too late, like my co-worker) was a goal. Dithering was what I was doing best.

Maybe Labor Day had something to do with it.... I am missing a day.... sort of... I know I did something Monday... maybe took more stuff to storage.... Mom & Dad came for the weekend and helped me move A LOT of stuff to storage.... We took it easy and slow and got all the bookcases and 2 pantrys and a whole bunch of boxes and STUPH into the nice, climate controlled space I rented (for about a million dollars a month). But, it is big enough to take the power tools if needed. I have no idea as to where I will move. Maybe Motel 6. They have weekly rates, right?

The week at work was interesting.... I am spreading my wings... Tuesday was a full court press of my preceptor and I getting things ready for our first orientation class Wednesday and Thursday. I taught the first 4 hours Wed. - I thought they went so-so, but I got good reviews. And compared to the 12 hours my co-hort taught (or didn't as the case may be), I was BRILLIANT!! But, I learned a lot.... I took notes and confered with a couple of the students on what things would make the class better and am busy making a lesson plan for when I go solo.... Friday, my preceptor was not there (other plans) and I spent the morning imitating the dreaded IT person over at the hospital..... Hello, my name is Chris, I'm from IT and I am here to disrupt your computer use for about 10 minutes... heh heh heh. It was a TOTAL GAS!!!!!! being on the other side of the coin. I want to do it again! After lunch I wandered back to the office and got into a conversation with a couple of the nursing educators about the new computer program that starts Tuesday.... they were identifying problems and we were brainstorming fixes... I came up with a couple of bull's eyes and one of the gals asked if I would be interested in being on the design team for the program. TOTALLY!!!!!! I am sooooo stoked!! I can't wait to tell my boss!!! Life is sweet!!! I also broached (sp?) the topic of regular meetings between the in-house RN educators and my co-hort and me to discuss problems with the orientation as it relates to our classes. Both women thought that was a good idea. I am quite pleased with my progress...

On the downside.... I am chronically pooped. I went home almost every night last week and almost fell asleep on the way home. not good.... so, at BBs request, I took Friday night off and did nothing except sit in front of the TV. He was out with the boyz and stayed home. I finally got 8 whole hours of sleep. Amazing how good that makes you feel! Hope I can replicate the feat DURING THE WEEK this week... (which doesn't look good at this point as it is already 10pm-oops)

This weekend BB and I got the house ready for painting.... got lotsa little stuff like spackling and sanding done... will prolly head over there Tuesday night to slap some paint around. Sounds like fun... will call the realtor later this week and invite her over for a visit this weekend....

BB is turning off lights... guess it's time for bed..... Lator, Gators!!! ;-)


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