How much is that suitcase in the window?
He's home, I am relaxed.
His suitcase is another story. It made it from Milan to Frankfurt, got scanned in Frankfurt, got on the plane in Frankfurt and then 8 minutes later was taken off the plane and hasn't been seen since. (Ain't barcodes great??) I think it went to Bora Bora for the winter. His co-worker has even less of an idea where his bag is.... according to records.. they don't show it on the plane from Milan to anywhere.... poor bag!
I am thinking a trip to the Unclaimed Baggage Center might be in order one of these days (although I doubt they get luggage from Europe).
I've been to the unclaimed baggae center in Scottsboro, Bama and it is a faboo experience. If you are in the nabe, you must go! Everything under the sun and it never ceases to amaze me what people take on airplanes. Love it there. Gotta go again soon! flaurella ~
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