the RATS of moose

The Random Access ThoughtS of a mid-west, approaching-middle-age, nurse starting the next phase of life.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Long distance Love?

(sigh) Here I was all ready to go on an OCD rant tonight about not hearing from the bestest boyfriend in over 24 hours and when I got home from work there were 3 emails in the box. (dreamy smile) Is he a honey, or what? It is weird how anxious I am about this trip... must have something to do with the cell phone not working over there, no easy means to retrieve him and OH-MY-GOD-WHAT-HAPPENS-IF-HE-IS-IN-A-LITTLE-12-SEATER-AIRPLANE-THAT-CRASHES... and the local Czech, Gypsy, Italian, Polske, whoever FAA doesn't think the world will miss the 10 people who were on that tiny-little-plane-that-had-an-oops-into-the-side-of-the-mountain and I'm pretty sure he forgot to put my phone number and ICE stuff in his wallet (like I asked him to do a thousand times before he left) and I will never know what happened and no one will know where to send his remains (if there are any) and if I don't know he is dead, how will I ever manage to




before probate court catches up with his stuff?

I love him dearly. Can't you tell??


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