the RATS of moose

The Random Access ThoughtS of a mid-west, approaching-middle-age, nurse starting the next phase of life.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

All Obama, all the time

As I sit here on my couch, watching the non-stop inauguration coverage, I am awed (maybe for the first time) about how the transition of power occurs in this country. For 232 years, we have been able to hand it over to the next person in line, no muss, no fuss, no coups, no takeovers, just 'here ya go, have at it'.

Bush seems ready to leave. I'm sure it's been a long 8 years.

Obama is eager to start. And I am more impressed with him every day. I like his ability to listen... to everyone, not just those in the 'inner circle'. I like the dinner he attended at George Will's house last week. I like that he can listen to views different than his and come back with the reasons why he needs to do something another way. One of the talking heads described Obama as an 'empirical man', someone driven by data, not 'gut feelings'. I think we have had enough guts for now. I like his family life. I admire his relationship with Michelle. I love watching them together, the way they talk without words, the way they unconsciously broadcast their love for each other in everything they say and do. I wish everyone could have a relationship like that. I wish everyone could raise kids as seemingly well adjusted as they did. We would CERTAINLY be better off.

I like how energized America is right now. Everyone's emotions are running at fever pitch and I almost wish I could be in DC on Tuesday... except that I am old and the cold weather would make me want to pee every 5 minutes and there are already reports of there not being enough porta-potties (did you notice that ALL the porta-potties are blue?) and even if there are enough, you won't be able to get to them because there is going to be an influx of 80 gazillion people into DC for the party and you won't be able to move. Of course, of there are 80 gazillion people, you will be so tightly packed in that you will stay warm. And since I don't have a VIP ticket to anything, the views would be horrible and I would end up watching the whole thing on a jumbo-tron, so why not stay at home and watch on TV. Which I can't do because I will be at work... but maybe I will sneak a TV in go watch. I have already set the TIVO to record CSPAN and PBS all day so I will have plenty to watch when I get home. I may have to skip exercising and going out for the ritual Tuesday night pizza so I can get it all in. (Sorry Chuck) I am totally caught up in the wall-to-wall Inauguration coverage on TV. All I do is channel flip all day long... all Obama, all the time.... maybe I can call in sick the nest two days.... hee hee hee.

And although I consider myself totally uninvolved in politics, I feel excited this time. I have totally swallowed the Obama Kool-aid. He is MY AGE!!! For the first time in my life, the White House will be inhabited by someone to whom I can relate. Maybe that is the difference. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Michelle wears FLAT AND SHOES WITH LITTLE KITTEN HEELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY, a First Lady that wears sensible, yet fashionable, shoes. I am so lucky to have such a role model.

By the way.... how, exactly, does the "football" make the transition? At 10 or so in the morning, Bush and Obama will be together at the White House, then BO will leave for the parade and swearing in and Bush will get on a helicopter. WHERE WILL THE FOOTBALL BE? I mean, it will take some time for BO to get from the White House to the swearing-in ceremony... WHERE WILL THE FOOTBALL BE?? Do they have 2 footballs? Just in case? Inquiring minds and all that....

I am full of hope and optimism. I believe a better day is in store for us. It won't occur overnight, but Obama will build it and we will come.


At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Per the comments I heard, the football passes tonight. I too thought of taking the day off. Luckily, we have a tv in our break room hooked to cable. So, I am taking work into the break room from 11:30 - until his speech is done. Love, Kay


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