the RATS of moose

The Random Access ThoughtS of a mid-west, approaching-middle-age, nurse starting the next phase of life.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Time to let go

Yesterday I had the opportunity to listen to Alan Alda stump his new book, "Never have your dog stuffed". It was thoroughly entertaining, especially as all the local townsfolk have decided that the radio host sounds exactly like Mr. Alda (not true). They had fun with this, each adopting the other's persona for part of the interview. But, ala Flaurella... I digress....
When Alda was a child, his dog died while eating Chinese food. He was devastated and his father was at a loss on how to console him. They tried to bury the dog and that didn't work so they took the dog to the taxidermist and had him stuffed. Unfortunately, the dog came back with a less-than-tranquil expression (think teeth bared-ready to lunge) and further terrified the child Alda.
The moral of the story (or book) is about accepting change, for without accepting change and letting the past go, you will not have room to embrace the next experience. (Or something to that effect)
With that thought bouncing around inside my head, I listened to the radio tonight on the way home and heard the announcer get all excited about the hordes of people who were showing up in Chicago somewhere to (pay for the opportunity to) celebrate the

20th Anniversary of the Chicago Bears winning the SuperBowl.....

What the *^$%#(*#?????

These people are celebrating something that happened when I was 25?? Why can't they just build a decent team and WIN THE STUPID BOWL GAME MORE THAN ONCE EVERY 100 YEARS?

Sheesh. Move on folks. Don't stuff yourselves.


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