the RATS of moose

The Random Access ThoughtS of a mid-west, approaching-middle-age, nurse starting the next phase of life.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Conversation Hearts

I love this time of year..... it's the only time to indulge in unrestrained, mindless munching of Conversation Hearts. Ahhhh..... all those new phrases to read... All that sugar to ingest...... ;-)

So, there I was, merrily munching away in the car on Saturday at 60 mph... munch munch munch ----CRACK---- blech!! cough!! GAG!!! spit spit spit (where in the hell is the kleenex?)..... THAT didn't feel right.... Gingerly run tongue around teeth.... oops.... that would be a filling... no tooth, just filling.... RATS!

A quick look by BB confirmed the diagnosis of broken tooth... No pain, just filling hanging out, being cool. Monday found me at the dentist's office getting crowned. Temp for now, permanent on Monday next. At least insurance pays if the tooth breaks.

So, am I still chomping on Conversation Hearts? Of course, silly!!! I just chew on the other side. ;-)


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