What day is today?
I am losing track of time... not a good thing when deadlines loom or the stove is turned on. Last night the beans tried to burn down the house. Today it was the vacuum cleaner sucking up giant cat fur-covered splinters in the basement. (I still don't know-don't want to know- where the splinters came from. At least the catz weren't wern't wearn't what a weird word were not bleeding when I left.... I think. At 9 tonight I remembered that I hadn't looked at tomorrows lesson for continuing education. Oops... quick... tell me all you know about Marburg fever. However, I do know that dooce takes nice pictures. I managed to make it there today. Good lord am I wandering.....
Am not amused by the mayor of New Orleans.... he wants to repopulate the town "all chocolate".... and he says God brought the hurricanes because he is mad about Iraq?? Am going to start calling him Mayor Chocolate Robertson and ask if his teevee is tuned to the CBN... cry-baby blasphemy network...... I vote we declare eminent domain and raze the whole 9th ward (and related drowned neighborhoods) and resell to upscale developers who will cause an influx of uber-wealthy everybody's to flood the place and remove every last vestige of uniqueness from the parish. Homogenize the whole damn place. Plant a McDoogles in the heart of Bourbon Street... replace the cable cars with taxi's, cover the cemeteries with cement and make another parking garage. (this doesn't sound a lot like me..... wonder what got me going this time....)
I think I have a fever....... my cheeks are red......
Maybe it was Hillary yammering to a predominantly African-American group about how the Republicans are acting like plantation owners? Or maybe it was Gore whining again... or this whole, "I KNOW God" thing.. Can't you just hear Tommy Cruise yelling and finger pointing.... THAT'S IT..... Tom Cruise and Pat Robertson, Point/Counterpoint, on the history of religion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tickets on sale now.......
I think I have a fever.
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