Old dog, new experience
It's so nice to know that at this ripe old age I can still have virgin experiences! hee hee hee
It was a bonus week... 2 new things in 2 days.
First.... I was helping out in the ER last Friday, taking a nice patient to another department for a test. While we were getting ready to leave, the patient's phone rang.. the spouse looked at it and identified it as a call from Washington DC. The patient encouraged the spouse to answer the phone, which happened. When the spouse got off the phone and shared the information..... WHEE-HEE!!! It was the White House (the real one!!!) on the other end!! And the patient's name was the very same as the resident of said house. How ironic. (The call? Twas a business deal.)
The second virgin experience occurred at the end of a really wonderful evening with my beloved boyfriend. We happened to be in the neighborhood of a very nice restaurant on Saturday night and decided to drop in. There was open seating on the patio which we opted for over a 45 minute wait for the dining room. We were pleasantly surprised to find a table that was under an awning and HEATED!! Dinner was lovely.... the pecan encrusted walleye was heavenly!! BB goes there for the ribs.. which he enjoyed again. The woman at the next table was a trip! Older, traveling alone, not from around here.... the service was a little slow out in no-reservation land, but we weren't in a hurry... not so next door... ;-) First it was "I need to be served right away because I have to be on the road before dark". Then it was "I can't drive on the expressways at night". Then it was asking every employee she saw for directions back to her hotel. And on and on and on.... It got comical after a while. Even so... dinner was wonderful. The company delightful. The bellys stuffed. On the way out we were holding hands (and maybe giggling, I don't remember if that was before or after the encounter), walking down these stairs to the parking lot, when a little (male) voice behind us said, "Isn't that cute?", which we ignored as we were rather wrapped up in each other. However, the second time we heard, "Isn't that cute?", I turned my head just long enough to see that it was a man out of the corner of my eye and we kept going. I think he might have said it a third time, but by then we were out in the parking lot and we agreed that not engaging was the appropriate move. Somewhere about this time I put my hand to the back of my head and it dawned on me what the man behind us getting at... this is what he saw.... We decided he thought we were a male gay couple. At that point we cracked up. BB says he should have turned around and blown the guy a kiss. I thought (the next day, as I am never too good on the fly with good ideas) I should have turned around and cupped the appendages on my chest and wiggled them at the extranious commenter. Both ideas would have been so wonderful. But, it was probably better that we didn't do anything. But.... another virgin experience bites the dust... I don't believe I have ever been mistaken for a gay man before. But, dinner was worth it!
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