the RATS of moose

The Random Access ThoughtS of a mid-west, approaching-middle-age, nurse starting the next phase of life.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

First, politics......

I don't often use the word 'hate' when referring to people. I feel the words power when I utter it in conjunction with a person and have long realized that I do not wish to answer to the consequences of that power. It's okay to hate things... hate situations.... hate brussel sprouts. And I'll willingly admit that I detest some people and despise others, but it is a serious matter to actively hate a person. But I am coming awfully close to using that work when discussing the actions of George Bush the younger (stupider).

I have been mulling this subject for the last few weeks, but I believe I found my breaking point today when I heard that several retired generals were calling for Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to resign his post citing violation of "fundamental military principles, such as unity of command and unity of effort. ...... the violation of another military principle of ensuring enough forces". (retired Army Maj. Gen. John Batiste) It wasn't the consensus of the generals that riled me so much... it was the reply by baby bush (via the talking head Scott McClellen)...... " Secretary Rumsfeld is doing a very fine job".


This whole thing is BULLSHIT.

I backed the invasion of Afghanistan 100 %. But, I believe we should have stayed focused on the target, Bin Laden, and not shorted our troops and gone running off to play in the neighbors sandbox.

I'll concede that it's easy to criticize things 'after' you are retired. It's hard to complain to your boss about your bosses bad decisions. And, yes, it would have been much better if the ones complaining now about ineptitude had also raised a kerfuffle back when, instead of just retiring so they didn't have to be (or be any more) involved in the police action in Iraq.

I am thoroughly convinced that invading Iraq is nothing more than child playground bullying in action... 'you tried to hurt my daddy, so i'm gunna kick your butt'. This unwarranted (bad intelligence my ass), unwanted (by EVERYONE, AND I MEAN EVERYONE, I know), probably illegal (you can't shoot the neighbor just because you don't like the way he runs his household) and DEFINITELY IMMORAL (who died and made georgie God?) romp through someone else's country must end. We haven't learned a thing since Vietnam. We are involved in something from which there is no graceful or peaceful extrication. We may be able to recreate the photo of the Saigon helicopter evac in the near future when civil war overtakes Iraq. This has been a mistake from the get-go. It makes me think that this violation of Iraq was planned well before 9/11 occurred and that el presidente invented excuses so he could play war and poke back at someone who poked at daddy.

george bush needs to go and he needs to take all of daddy bushies cronies with him. There is nothing worse that a bunch of old geezers huddling behind the puppet playing war games with everyone else's life.


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