the RATS of moose

The Random Access ThoughtS of a mid-west, approaching-middle-age, nurse starting the next phase of life.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Sleepless at the Stoner

Why does wrapping paper, of any kind, make more noise at night? I'm eating a granola bar because the bag of chips was too loud to tolerate.

Why do landscapers insist on using the giant gas-powered reverse vacuum cleaners to blow the leaves around MORE?

Why am I up at one in the morning?

Um... Signed the contract Thursday night. Put the house on the market Friday morning. Got a call Friday evening while I was still a good 30 minutes from home asking if it could be shown. Ummmm.... the bed's not made, the place is a fucking pigsty, oh-my-gawd-you-can't-even-get-into-the-basement...... Sure, why not? I called everyone I knew to swear that I was stroking out while driving. Everybody fell off the other end of the phone laughing hysterically.... and then my mother made fun of me all night long at her quilt retreat.

Panic mode is great for cleaning. By Saturday afternoon the place looked not-lived-in... much.... Well, let's say, it's much better.I couldn't possibly live here... Anyone who knows me knows that I can't POSSIBLY live in a house this sterile... no bookcases, no piles of stuph, no over-abundance of clutter..... I may have to move the catz out to the truck and live in there just to get the clutter-feel back. The bedroom is even worse....It's not my room,,, really... I feel like I am living in someone elses house.... it's very weird.

I got the place looking so good that I was a tiny bit disappointed that no one called on Saturday. But someone came today around 5. Keep your fingers crossed.

My fondest wish is also my worst nightmare... it will sell in a week and I'll have to throw the entire basement into a box and find a place to live in 30 days.



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