the RATS of moose

The Random Access ThoughtS of a mid-west, approaching-middle-age, nurse starting the next phase of life.

Friday, March 06, 2009


What is it with the hovercraft thing in the womens restroom?

Why is it that when nature calls and I hustle my flow into the stall

I frequently find puddles of pee all over the seat?

Why do women think that applying buttocks to seat will cause them to catch some dread disease?

Don't they know that the odds of catching goobers from the toilet seat are just about nill

Yet the desk they are sitting at...

The research indicated your desk can hold up to 10,000,000 germs or 20,961 germs per square inch. Compared to the toilet seat at only 49 germs per square inch, a work station is nearly 400 times more contaminated than a bathroom.

Now, sit your ass down on that toilet seat and don't be leaving me the wet spot..

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