Rain, Rain Go Away
Done. Well, 98% done now... the patio, that is... Not bad considering this is how it started....
There were large dirt piles left after digging the post holes... The original intent was to excavate to grade. But I had no where to dump the dirt so decided to raise the part nearest the door to the stoop height. I framed in the stoop layer and the part next to the sidewalk last year. Got the frames filled with dirt and pea gravel and cut patio block to fit for the stoop level. Didn't quite get the second level done before it got too cold to work outside.This summer was too dang hot to work outdoors.. so... I saved all my energy and over the course of 3 weekends, this is what I did....
Beautiful Sierra Cat is helping me re-do the second level. The lowest level in the background was laid yesterday (10-1-05) morning. The weekend before I did the framing, dirt and a layer of crushed limestone last weekend. I'm sure the neighbors all hate me. I cut the patio block yesterday... about a dozen cuts.... with a circular saw.... in the backyard.... can you spell toxic cloud of red dust??? It was horrible... was over half way done before I rigged a dust collection system... don't know if it helped, but it made me feel better! ;-) By the time I got the middle layer done it was dark out and I was dead tired with a SORE back. I was going to call it quits with that done... the whole thing needs to be compacted, but not this weekend... not enough hours. But.... after I got done with the flower garden (round one-more on that later) I had lots of daylight left so decided to pull up the stoop level and add more crushed limestone. That didn't take long and now it's REALLY ready for compacting... and here is the finished product....
I'm really proud of it.. my first patio! It's not level in the traditional sense... it follows grade so I don't have to worry about standing water. And I know it doesn't hold standing water... it got tested this afternoon.... It had been rumbling for about 30 or 40 minutes after I got the patio done.... remember my note a couple months ago about WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS? Well... do as I say, not as I do.... oops... Then it started to sprinkle... put the furniture on the patio, got the tools cleaned and picked up and in the house. Took my pictures and headed indoors with just enough time left to shut down the computer before the thunderstorm hit.It poured and poured and poured! I swear we got 6 inches in half an hour.... Torrential is the word that comes to mind. Or the 40 day flood... sheesh... At least the blocks didn't wash away... wish I could say the same for the flowers... but that's a story for another day.....
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