the RATS of moose

The Random Access ThoughtS of a mid-west, approaching-middle-age, nurse starting the next phase of life.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!!! Welcome to 2006.... (snarrrrrk.... sniffle) what a gloomy day it was. Overcast, dark gray, precipitating... but 51 degrees, so BB was happy. I am not. No snow. All rained away last weekend. But, it's been a good weekend.

I find myself not making any resolutions this year. I always break them so why bother? Instead, I am going to reflect on the good things in my life.

Like family get-togethers. I've been very lucky this year that my folks have been in the Midwest for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. We did T-day at my house and last weekend at my sisters house in Michigan. Both weekends were relaxed and happy... without the tension and in-fighting you read so much about at other peoples houses this time of year. It seems the magazines and papers and talk shows dwell on "how to cope if your sibling makes you feel like a loser" or "what to do when your dad shows up drunk for dinner". I feel so sorry for these people.

I was listening to the sex segment on the Kathy and Judy show on WGN last week (?) and the question of the day was ... "On Christmas day night, do you ever ask for or expect to get sex?" The answers were very interesting ranging from "are you nuts?? She's been cooking all day, there have been people over all day and she is exhausted! (from a man), to "Of course and if he doesn't offer, I will ask for it" (from a woman) and everything inbetween. There were several of the "too tired" answers from both men and women. I nearly feel off my chair laughing thinking of Christmas Day at my house... this year the only reason I got out of my PJs was to go to Walgreens for drugs for my (still) sick sister. There is no getting up at the crack of dawn (no little kids)... we wander out when we get good and ready... then there is coffee and cookies and really-bad-for-you things to munch on while the "Santa" presents get put under the tree. We finally get around to opening the presents (usually because someone wants breakfast and we cannot eat until after presents), laughing at all the silly things we are given. After breakfast, some people nap, some people read the paper, some play on the computer, some watch TV.... we treat it as a vegetative type day. We usually get around to putting on clothes for a late afternoon supper. Once in a while we take in a movie... but the whole day is low key and relaxing. (sneeze) I like holidays that are low key.... Relaxation is good..... so I guess that answers the radio question for me should the occasion ever arise (so to speak!).

Good things, like BB.... who spent a large portion of yesterday in my cat fur and dustball-laden basement installing a humidifier on the furnace. (cough, wheeze). Who today helped me procure a gi-hugic shelving unit for the basement so I can complete my workroom. We added a side trip to Sears for more screwdrivers... I never seem to have enough! And tonight.... after it was clear that I was developing cold symptoms, he packed me up and took me to his place for TLC and hot tea. Not many boyfriends would take on a girlfriend with a cough and runny nose and sore throat.... he's already been exposed, so why not.... ;-) I love this man dearly!

As long as I have my family and BB, all is right with the world.

Happy New Year.....


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