In the toilet
Common courtesy has gone down the toilet... or not.... what is it with people who don't flush? This is the third day in a row I've found an unflushed loo greeting me. And it wasn't me.... I'm in the Oprah mode.... gotta turn and look at what what you left... make sure it's normal and all.
So there I stand half in-half out of the stall wondering if I should flush and sit, flush and get a new stall, sit and then flush, or just leave it the way I found it in the vain hope that the person who did this will return to the scene of the crime?
The count so far is one leave it, one sit and flush and one flush and find new toidy. Although, now that I think about it... the sit and flush is just a tad disgusting. Even if the only difference between sit and flush and flush and sit is a little yellow color.
No... I don't think I would have made the same decision had there been a little brown floater.. or sinker... that's just too disgusting.
Which makes me think of other weird bathroom things.. .like the courtesy flush. It's something you hear very rarely now days. I hear it used to be quite popular... the flush before the sit so as to not force the sound of your bodily functions on the delicate sensibilities residing in the other stalls. Waste of water.
Today we are conserving water... keeping it to one flush per... except for the lincoln log days. Then there isn't enough toilet paper or water to suit. (And why don't they put sinks in the stalls with soap and paper towels for the REALLY bad days??) When the bathroom is busy it's a free-for-all. Farting and flushing and peeing and all manner of noise. But when there are only two of you, especially when there are only 2 stalls, there does seem to be a lingering desire to protect delicate sensabilities... Today people will sit and keep absolutely still until they think you have left the room. And if they misjudge your timing?? .....WHOO-HEE... the sounds you can be exposed to!!!
Normal, natural, bodily functions. We all have them. Some days worse than others. What's the big deal? Why are we so embarrassed by the sounds we make? Or the smells we exude? Better to let it rip in the loo than at the desk. Or in a meeting? Or the car???
Yeah, okay... true confessions... I've been guilty of the silent-hold routine... but less and less often. Most often, I don't give a rip.
I let them loose.....
Flaurella was here.
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