the RATS of moose

The Random Access ThoughtS of a mid-west, approaching-middle-age, nurse starting the next phase of life.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Days 10 & 11

By day 10 I thought I was feeling better.. that feeling lasted until I got into the truck and drove to work... the exertion of getting up and dressed and into my vehicle caused undo exhaustion... I finally caved in and called the doctors office nurse, Kathy the wonderful. She said, "Oh yeah, it's going around. I call in a prescription. Are you allergic to anything?" Just like that. I shouldn't have gone to work most of last week (but did because of some weird, warped thinking that it was "just a cold". Just a cold it may be, but I was hacking all over stuff and co-workers (which they no doubt appreciated) and the desk and store clerks and and and...) Anyway.... after 24 hours on antibiotics (which I do NOT advocate for a viral infection) I feel like a new woman! I am still hacking, and still draining, but I FEEL better. The rest will clear up eventually.

Better living thru chemicals!


At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I had that same cold! Kicked my ass for over a week until I finally realized that it had morphed into a sinus infection. Thank God for antibiotics!


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