Lazy Sunday Observation
One should not allow the cat to sit under the table while one is sanding.....
The Random Access ThoughtS of a mid-west, approaching-middle-age, nurse starting the next phase of life.
One should not allow the cat to sit under the table while one is sanding.....
Maybe, before we crucify Bobby Cutts, Jr, we should take a minute to wait for the coroner's report. There is a chance... remote, I'll give you, but a chance Jesse Davis died of natural causes. Pregnant ladies are prone to blood clots. Sometimes the blood clots move. Sometimes the blood clots kill.
I think my head will look good... sitting there on the coffee table.... I'll put a little plastic plant tray under it to catch the drips... but if this headache doesn't go away I will be using the new circular saw to cut my head off until it straightens up and flies right. I haven't had one this bad in years... It started when the temps got above 80 and has greeted me every morning since then... sheesh... time to move to Hudson Bay.
Hmm.. amazing what happens when you follow the fluffy peoples food plan (FFPF). Down 4.6 pounds this week. Am spending the occasional extra point on little squares of dark dark chocolate at bedtime and had a 1 point fudge bar somewhere over the weekend... But am doing well... over 16 pounds to date. Am approaching my 10% goal of 18 pounds but don't know if that is a realistic goal. Guess I'll spend the next few weeks practicing.
Did you know corn syrup was the main ingredient in Red Vines? Big surprise there. I love the Food Channel. I especially love the Food Network on TiVo!!!!!!!!! I can watch and watch and watch my favorite shows WHEN I WANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am in heaven. [sigh]
Hmm.. with the frequency of my posts, one would almost think that the luster of a public diary has worn off. One might be right. It seems as tho real life is bogging down the whole blogging process(bogging the blogging, bogging the blogging, bogging the blogging... you try it!)... By the time you get home from work, put things away, change, do dinner and clean up or do dinner and come home, the evening is almost gone and there is just enough time to brush your teeth and drop into bed. It might'nt be so bad if dropping into bed yielded something besides tossing and turning, waking (tho thankfully not always to pee!), dropping off, covers on, covers off, too hot, too cold, arm asleep, etc., but that's not the case either. (I before E except after C... wonder where either comes in?) I feel cheated that bedtime should be 9 or 9:30 every night if I am to wake refreshed at 5:30... which isn't happening (see above). My (semi-half-assed) professional website for trauma nurses is way behind, this blog is almost deserted (desserted would be better, wonder how long it would take to drive to Dairy Queen? I hear the key lime blizzards are to-die-for!). And it's not deserted for lack of ideas.. those come in fairly regular spurts... It seems to be lack of oomph, energy, motivation, too much to do... which could be true... most weekends the last couple months have been on the road. Back and forth to Iowa for bestest friends wedding prep and the event itself, up to MI to remodel a bathroom over Memorial Day weekend, another wedding this last weekend... by the time Monday arrives, all I want to do is sleep. Today is no exception... except that it's Tuesday and I actually got my fluffy butt into a bathing suit and went to the pool. 30 minutes of constant movement of some kind... 20 min of laps (did you know you can swim in circles in the deep end if no one else is there?), 10 of bicycling underwater at various speeds. Now have chlorine eyes... but maybe, if I keep this up, my hair will get blonder.. or at least, green. Speaking of fluffy butt, I am still going to the fluffy people meetings (rah, rah, gag). Made it to 16 weeks, which is their milestone for 'changing your lifestyle behavior' or some such. Ha! They haven't seen my version of the core diet. I gave up on the counting points thing. Too restricting, not enough fruit. Switched to core and am having lots of fun.. going to Chili's and eating chips and salsa... (hey, the salsa is core!), Steak n' Shake for burgers and a low-fat yogurt shake, Portillo's for baked spaghetti... okay, I suck at the core plan too.. which is why my weight has remained steady for the last 2 months or so... but not all bad... I am staying here without exercise (my goal!) and my clothes fit. Yeah, yeah, if I move the fluffy parts a little more I might lose a little more, but, like the fluffy people say... I have to think about a lifetime commitment.. what can I reasonably expect myself to do? I hate exercise. Unless I am paying someone an exorbitant fee to someone who will personally torture me with weights and lunges (and sometimes, not even then!), I won't exercise willingly. I am sporadic. I am thinking that it would be better if I had an exercise buddy, but I am too lazy to find one and Mr. Boyfriend and I exercise at different times of the day. (whine whine who's got the cheese?) But, a bad day on the fluffy person plan is better than a good day off the plan, so there. Hmmm... maybe a little exercise would pep me up a little. Now, there's a thought. Comes right after the I-hate-exercise thought. (sigh) Diarrhea of the fingertips. Isn't it grand? What do they call this? Stream-of-consciousness-s-s-s-s thoughts? Rambling? But I haven't done it in a while, so it's okay. Right? (pause for big deep breath)
Well, I did it. I joined in the family tradition (Mom's side, not Dad's) of nasal irrigation today. [hoark, gag] Yup, stuck that thing filled with lukewarm saltwater right up my nose and squeezed. [cantbreathecantbreathecantbreathe] Wow... was THAT a weird sensation. [AACCHH!!! SALT WATER IN THE BACK OF MY THROAT I'M GUNNA PUKE!!!!] Like my head was filling up. [ok, I can breathe, I am not going to puke, but I'm getting the willies] And then... IT RAN OUT THE OTHER SIDE!! Just like it did on television! And in all those pictures on the internet (home of all true knowledge and fact). And (insert giant bugs-crawling-on-skin shiver here), well, it wasn't so bad. Sort of. So I did the other side. [mouth open, just breathe in and out] It was okay, I guess. Not sure what I expected. Miraculous clear-headedness? See-thru nasal passages? And where exactly does all that water go? Just around the turbinates or does some of it creep into the frontal sinuses and wash them out too? Questions, questions. If I could be assurred that I was washing out all 4 sinuses with this I would feel a lot 'cleaner' I think. Hmmm... questions for the doc when I see her again.