the RATS of moose

The Random Access ThoughtS of a mid-west, approaching-middle-age, nurse starting the next phase of life.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


I hate folding sox. I hate folding sox more than any other laundry item, including sheets. Even fitted sheets. (sorry Dad.... sox are WORSE!) They never match, the color never fades evenly, and unless they are some color other than blue or black (which most of my sox are) you're never quite sure who they belong to.

I wonder sometimes when I am trying to match sox if the sox are hollering at me "NO STUPID, I GO WITH THAT SOCK!! Geeze, what kind of an idiot are you??" What if my sox have gender and what if they favor the same-sex sox? Or what if they are heterosoxual? And... what if I GET IT WRONG????? Do I turn them into homosoxuals? Or worse, pair them with the opposite sox? Do they repugnate each other? Or do they chalk their bad fortune up to a dumb owner and just deal with it until the next wash cycle when they can mate with their own kind. My level of angst about my sox has caused me to not fold sox (except the REALLY REALLY obvious matches) for 2 months. I have been reduced to digging thru the communal sox basket (where I am sure multiple episodes of grope sox have been occurring (which would explain some of the weird stuph I have found in the basket with the sox) with or without the appropriate partners). Do you know that I have 42 blue sox and none of them is the same shade of blue? Did I buy them like this and I just never noticed?

And the white sox... you would think those would be a no-brainer. WRONG!! While it is easy to divide them into the major piles (tube sox, anklets, low-rise with the pink writing on the toes, crew sox) once you try to pair the sox in the major pile all kinds of problems arise... for instance... I was attempting to pair and fold the low-rise sox with the pink writing... Well.. three of them appeared to be a size 8 and 5 of them were size 11. all 4 pair were the same size when i bought them.... WHAT HAPPENED??? Have the sox been sneeking to dark, dank bottom of the laundry hamper and channeling Jefferson Starship?? The crew sox weren't much better... all the cuffs were different lengths....

I reached my breaking point last weekend... the sox will not win... I have enlisted the aid of 2 groups of mercenaries.... the sock clips.....

Sox clip trial 1 Sox clip trial 2

Or, the clips will fall apart and the sox will laugh all the way back to the communal sock basket.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Why I do what I do...

Ahh, Friday..... late getting off work.... Significant other is out drinking with the boys.... I opted to stay home where I am basking in the sound of Handel's Water Music plying my keyboard by monitor light and little else.

Alone time is always to be cherished.

Today was the reason I took this job. I had a BLAST at work!!! I got involved in editing the teaching material for our new application and I got totally lost in the project and LOVED IT!!!!! The content is solid and the people I turned the first draft over to were appreciative. (They will be teaching me and my cohorts the new application from that packet on Monday.... too kewl! )

AND.... I got an email from the educator in OB asking for my help in putting together the proposal for a new computerized documentation system in Labor and Delivery... I AM TOTALLY OVER THE MOON ON THIS ONE!!! I am on a committee now that is developing the new Project Management Methodology plan for the hospital and when I called the committee chair (our Project Manager!) and asked to use our (not-quite-approved-yet) forms... she said YES!! and gave me direction on what to do once the form was filled out.... I am SOOOOO excited! I meet with the educator on Tuesday.

I love my job!!!

Have a great weekend... it's snow snow snow mixed with frizzle for us in Chicago this weekend.... Think I may just curl up on Chuck's couch and read a book or two.

Lator, Gators....

That's Just Not Right....

Seen on the way home from work yesterday....

Woman pushing a double wide trailer.... no, wait, wrong blog....

Woman pushing a double wide stroller while jogging....

on the street..........

dragging the dog on a leash...............

during rush hour....................................

some people should be shot just because.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Well, that was anti-climactic…

Chuck and S (child #3) came to get me Saturday morning and off we went to the auto show. S was quiet. Wanted to see Sierra but she was perched on my bed and S didn’t venture down the hallway to peek in.

We caught the train without problem and once seated, Chuck commented that S was being unusually quiet. We figured it wouldn’t last long. We were right. By the time the train got to downtown, he was chattering away and didn’t stop for the rest of the day.

I have no experience with kids of any age, so am not sure what a 12 year old is supposed to act like. I’ll assume he is ‘normal’. It was fun to watch him at the show. He immediately got a big bag and proceeded to load it with EVERYTHING. By the end of the day it must have weighed 10 pounds. S even commented on how much it weighed and maybe he had too much stuff. Didn’t notice him putting anything back, tho. Keeping up with him was a challenge at times, too. He is small and skinny enough to be able to slip thru crowds with the greatest of ease. It wasn’t easy tailing him as he zipped around the Army display. (He and Chuck climbed into the Bradley fighting vehicle. I stood outside and held the bag.)

S is a nice kid… asks good questions, too. We were looking at a car on display that had been crashed to demo the safety features and he and I got into a nice discussion on how cars are built for safety.

After the day was over he told Chuck that he felt like a third wheel. And that I didn’t Chuck wasn’t sure if it was true or if it was 12 year old talking. I thought it was vaguely funny as I had felt the same thing on and off during the day. I hope I acted like myself. (I can never quite tell what that is) I have seen women do the lovey-dovey thing with the boyfriend while fawning over the kids when introduced and have found it NAUSEATING. I didn’t want to be like that.

I think it was a nice neutral beginning.

Friday, February 16, 2007


I meet child number three tomorrow. 8:00 am. This is a meeting three years in the making. I think it may have been the right choice.. to wait this long... I don't feel nervous at all. Dread I have plenty of... but not nervousness. The older two opted out of the Auto Show. The youngest wants to go. When asked if I could come with, he said, "Sure". I have no idea what to expect. I don't know if I will be ignored or tolerated or if he will question me to death. Chuck says he likes to talk. A lot. Maybe if I just nod my head and make appreciative noises once in a while it will work out. I need to head for bed soon. Train comes at 8:30.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Of race and rubbers....

We went to town the other night...

zipped home from work, put the long undies on, the insulated sox, the dog sledding-arctic mittens and big fat fluffy parka and motored down to the train station.....

Chuck met me there.....

on the train we hopped (when it stopped and opened the doors-not hobo style-too hard to jump up in the big fluffy parka)

up to the upper deck we clambered

seats we did take

and what to my wondering eyes did appear?

a sight I'd not seen in many a year....

a man wearing rubbers!!

Rubber galoshes, that is!


It was so cute and I wanted to say something to him so bad.... but I figured if he was astute enough to wear overshoes, he was probably one of those expensive, hand-cut eye-talian suit guys that wouldn't share my excitement as he protected his $900 leather eye-talian shoes.

But why the trip down town? We (read, I) decided on day last week that I wanted to go see a play and I dragged Chuck with me. He wasn't too thrilled but in the end said he was glad he had come and the play was good. I thought it was great... we saw the national tour of Twelve Angry Men with Richard Thomas and George Wendt. I highly recommend it. It amazes me every time I go to theater how diverse the audience is... age, gender, race, color, creed, orientation, you name it, it was represented. I wondered tho, during the times when the play was at it's racial bigotry/hatred worst, what the nice black couple sitting across from us thought. He of the beverskin oversized-brim fedora and fur coat to match. (Natty dresser, tho I don't cotton to real fur so much these days - BTW, I will be un-contributing to the global impact of China next weekend when I return the cashmire sweaters I purchased for Kay and I. They are too itchy to wear. However, Kay did mention that now she wondered if expensive -vs $15- cashmire would be less itchy and should we investigate that?) I forgot to look and see if they were clapping at the end.
TwelveAngryMen Go see it if you have the chance.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Marilyn, Redux

Drug overdose.... I'm betting the autopsy on Vicky Lynn aka Anna Nicole 'Golddigger' Smith shows a multiple drug overdose.

She sure stretched that 15 minutes of fame, now, didn't she?