Ben Stein was certainly depressing today. He talked about the crash of Delphi and how GM and Ford and Chrysler may not be far behind and what it means for the American worker. It means working and saving for our own retirement. Not counting on our employer to fork over dollars (not to mention health care benefits) when we no longer take part in the daily grind. This is bad news for me. I do okay saving the new state quarters but saving for retirement is beyond me. I think there is $3 in my retirement account. Maybe $10 if I am lucky. I have visions of me living in a 5th floor walk-up with no heat in the winter and trying to make the medicine vs. food decision when I'm 80. I'll have to wear different colored sox because I will have lost the other half of the pair in the laundromat down the street. I won't go out much because my arthritis won't let me do the stairs. I'll let my hair grow long again and I won't shave my lets-for insulation. No cable TV. No internet access. Costs too much.
Or, I could go sponge off my sister.