Senile mentality
This has got to stop. Tonight I teared up when they introduced the President for the State of the Union address. sheesh....
The Random Access ThoughtS of a mid-west, approaching-middle-age, nurse starting the next phase of life.
This has got to stop. Tonight I teared up when they introduced the President for the State of the Union address. sheesh....
I've noticed a strange and unsettling thing recently. Well, not really recently... more like somewhat-been-there-all-along-just-getting-worse.
Rules for painting...
I know I am still sick. BB is beating me again at Scrabble. It is shameful. Whatever shall I do?
Six more hours and I am free for 10 days.... paint the bedroom is on the agenda and not much else. two hours at work and 4 more at a meeting to be held 3 blocks from my house.... not bad.
I have'nt had a good nights sleep in days.
I am losing track of time... not a good thing when deadlines loom or the stove is turned on. Last night the beans tried to burn down the house. Today it was the vacuum cleaner sucking up giant cat fur-covered splinters in the basement. (I still don't know-don't want to know- where the splinters came from. At least the catz weren't wern't wearn't what a weird word were not bleeding when I left.... I think. At 9 tonight I remembered that I hadn't looked at tomorrows lesson for continuing education. Oops... quick... tell me all you know about Marburg fever. However, I do know that dooce takes nice pictures. I managed to make it there today. Good lord am I wandering.....
I think I have a fever....... my cheeks are red......
Yup, it's still here. Rats. Better, but still here.
By day 10 I thought I was feeling better.. that feeling lasted until I got into the truck and drove to work... the exertion of getting up and dressed and into my vehicle caused undo exhaustion... I finally caved in and called the doctors office nurse, Kathy the wonderful. She said, "Oh yeah, it's going around. I call in a prescription. Are you allergic to anything?" Just like that. I shouldn't have gone to work most of last week (but did because of some weird, warped thinking that it was "just a cold". Just a cold it may be, but I was hacking all over stuff and co-workers (which they no doubt appreciated) and the desk and store clerks and and and...) Anyway.... after 24 hours on antibiotics (which I do NOT advocate for a viral infection) I feel like a new woman! I am still hacking, and still draining, but I FEEL better. The rest will clear up eventually.
I've been told that I sound better... or I sounded better yesterday than I did Friday... Although Suzen thought I sounded horrible... but my sister (calling from Miami) said I sounded better, so did BB... then again.... Suzen woke me up, so she got the full benefit of morning throat.... ;-)
{{{sigh}}} lost my first auction.... bid on another.... and so the eBay race begins....
I am soo tired of this cold... left work early again today... only stayed as late as I did to (almost) finish a project for work on Monday.... called off my extra job for Sunday... my scheduler said she cancelled me yesterday after listening to my voice mail. She said I sounded like I was dying. I am very grateful that she cancelled me. I feel like crap. I hate colds. I am waiting to get to the sounds-bad-but-feels-pretty-darn-good stage. It was supposed to be here by now.
I love being 45...
I am going to stick Tampax up my nose. I am thoroughly convinced that is the only way to stem the flood of mucus. It is green and chunky and since it doesn't taste like pesto (don't ask) I am convinced that my brains are being blown out each time I raise a tissue. (Brains along with a gajillion tiny viruses ( I wonder if they are swimmers or if they just float along on the liquid...)) I'm also pretty sure that I am losing lung tissue every time I cough but I am too afraid to look at what comes out. (There is nothing worse than this cough. Harsh, painful, productive, paroxysmal... Okay, fine... there are things worse than this cough... but not right now, OKAY???? I'm having chest pain!!!) And the damn boogers are hungry! I have been craving sugar all day... So far I have fed them honey cookies, fudge, peanut brittle, and chocolate. Am hoping real food will get them to shut up until the drugs kick butt and plug up the works. Real food.... Swedish meatballs and rice... comfort food. It's about all the comfort I'm getting tonight.... BB has a meeting tonight (business, get your mind out of the gutter) and an early morning meeting so I am on my own... which isn't a bad thing... according to the literature I perused today I am probably at my peak viral shedding stage today... just as well he isn't here... although he's already been infected.. we are just waiting for his symptoms to develop.... {{{ sigh}}} me sick, he sick, me sick, he sick.... I wonder how long we will pass it back and forth before it goes away.... {{{{{{snark, snort, snuffle, blooooooooow}}}}} I hate colds....
The Tournament of Roses Parade is not the same when held a day late in the pouring rain. What a soggy mess. Think I will go eat breakfast.
Happy New Year everyone!!! Welcome to 2006.... (snarrrrrk.... sniffle) what a gloomy day it was. Overcast, dark gray, precipitating... but 51 degrees, so BB was happy. I am not. No snow. All rained away last weekend. But, it's been a good weekend.